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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Its Memorial Day Weekend

Another Summer about to begin! Hooray!! I tilled my vegetable garden so that’s ready. I bought annuals for the pots and beds. My seedling veggies are begging to be planted … I’m ready to go and it looks like its going to be a gorgeous weekend to get the gardening chores done.

But wait, Memorial Day weekend wouldn’t be complete without the inaugural igniting of the grill. I’m planning Italian sausage, Zwiegle’s white hots, hamburgers, potato salad and an ice cold beer – just one! And lots of fun with family and friends.

One additional thought as we get ready to start our Summer … lets not forget our Freedom (capitalization intentional). On this Memorial Day, and on all of those yet to come, please take a minute to quietly reflect on the lives given for this invaluable privilege. Too often we take it for granted and ample evidence suggests we shouldn’t.

Have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend!

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