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Thursday, June 3, 2010

The market is the market, sometimes dynamic and sometimes not. Sometimes worse than others and sometimes better. But statistics don't lie!

I've been watching Monroe County home sales for the past few months and see something of note in the numbers.  Weekly median sale prices show an uptick over the median year-to-date and the prior year-to-date. This seems to be the experience both in the suburbs, collectively, and in the City of Rochester. During the comparative periods the sales volume has been relatively the same.

Why is this significant? What does it mean? This means that sales price continues to rise here but a look at the magnitude of the numbers says that the upward move is cautious.  The trend is positive though and something to be pleased with in light of the news reports we hear from other communities.  Lets see what the numbers say at the end of the summer.  Hopefully the trend continues.  I am bullish on the trend! How about you?

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