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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Who Should We Believe?

It has been a frustrating week with all of the meddling going on with the financial markets. I keep hearing and reading that the "fix" is needed or we will be in even worse shape soon. I also keep hearing and reading that all of this could have been avoided - some claiming that the mistakes happened way back when our country was mending itself out of the "Great Depression". What I see is a lot of finger pointing and the stark reality that whatever gets done or doesn't get done to address whatever problem we are having or not having ... You, your neighbor and I will get stuck with the bill, one way or another. Not sure why I'm paying for a mess I didn't create?

On a positive note, there has been some positive activity in the local real estate market over the past couple of months. I have two listings pending and soon to close and lots of interest on the 6 family in Palmyra and the mixed-use building on Culver Road in the City. I think its going to be a very productive fourth quarter!

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