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Monday, August 30, 2010

Back to School Shopping in Your Desk Drawers!

Here is a very important back to school tip... lock your doors after they have left for school.

No! Just kidding... we all love our kids. Here is a bit of advice for back to school shopping... go shopping at home first. Yes, take that all important school supply list and look through the items left over from last year before you head to the local big box store.

Often times, kids have 3 ring binders from the year before that they still have some life left in and can use again. Same thing with spiral notebooks, frequently parents will buy notebooks with a couple hundred pages and maybe 20 pages will be used, especially in the lower grades. So, rip out those used pages, and use them again! Other reusable items: glue, rulers, pens, crayons, paper clips, and calculators. No need to buy yet another 10 pack of brand new notebooks, when you have 14 barely used ones already at home.

If a teacher insists on having brand new items, suggest to them that it's more responsible to "reuse and recycle". Not only does reusing items from past years save the parents money, but it conserves valuable resources too.

Have a safe and successful school year!

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