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Monday, November 29, 2010

Operation Home Relief

The National Association of Realtors has extended its successful "Operation Home Relief" campaign, which is designed to give military service families a voice by contributing financial counseling and aid to help keep them in their homes. Though only launched last month, the NAR has already matched $20,000 in donations.

The NAR has used this Facebook campaign to promote USA Cares, an organization dedicated to providing aid to help post-9/11 veterans and active-duty military personnel avoid foreclosure.

Through the consumer website,, a free comprehensive website about homeownership for homeowners, Operation Home Relief aims to increase awareness, rally support and raise funding that provides foreclosure assistance in the form of financial counseling and grants to post-9/11 active duty U.S. military service personnel, veterans and their families."

Invite your friends (Operation Home Relief will donate $1 for every join until they reach their goal) by visiting

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