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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Digital Devices May Cause Eye Strain

Eye pain, fatigue and headaches are common indicators that your digital devices may be causing you discomfort. These devices include computer monitors, TVs, Smart Phones, video games, anything with a lighted screen.

According to recent research with VSP Vision Care eye doctors, 33 percent reported that nearly one third or more of their patients suffer from symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome or digital device-related vision problems. The most common symptoms of patients suffering from Computer Vision Syndrome include eye strain, dry or irritated eyes, fatigue and headaches. Yet, two in three eye doctors report 20 percent or fewer of their patients even know what Computer Vision Syndrome is, showing a low level of understanding of the condition.

It is important for everyone who uses these devices often to get an annual eye exam and discuss their digital usage with their eye doctor. VSP Vision Care recommends the following tips to help lessen the symptoms of computer-related eye strain:

1. Blink often. This will help keep your eyes moist and prevent dry eye.

2. The 20/20/20 Rule: When spending long periods in front of a digital device, every 20 minutes, spend 20 seconds looking at something 20 feet away to allow your eyes to rest.

3. Ensure Proper Lighting: Poor lighting often causes eye strain. To help ease the strain on your eyes, keep bright lighting overhead to a minimum and position your desk lamp to shine on your desk, and not at you. Position your computer screen in a way that reduces reflections and glare from windows or overhead lights.

Pay attention to how you are feeling when you are using these devices, and take these steps to ease eye discomfort. A little prevention goes a long way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been practicing the 20-20-20 rule every day, since I work on the computer a lot. In addition to that, I've had a special pair of glasses prescribed by an optometrist. Indianapolis, indeed, has optometrists and opticians that are very accommodating to my needs. My gratitude goes to the optometrists in Indianapolis, coz' they help me look after my eyes. Thanks for the tips to help lessen the symptoms of computer-related eye strain!

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