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Monday, August 2, 2010

Credit Score Myth Busters!

There are many misconceptions about what effects a credit score. Here are a few myths about what effects your credit score:

1. Bouncing a check. A returned check for insufficient funds in your checking account will not reduce your credit score. Information from your bank accounts is not reported to any of the credit bureaus, thus it has no effect on your credit score.

2. Checking your credit report. Checking your credit report at once a year from each of the three credit bureaus will not only not effect your credit score, but it is a wise idea. This credit check will not be a ding on your credit and it will help you keep an eye on what is on your report and what shape your credit is in. Do not buy into any of the scams that make you sign up for a service and spend money. is all you need to know.

3. You need to get rid of all of your debt. Wrong! You need to show that you have some ongoing, current credit. It is wise to have at least one credit card and use it once a month and pay it off or make on time payments each month, to show that you have active credit.

4. Pay off your mortgage. Again… wrong. It’s good to have a mortgage; it shows you have assets and equity. It provides a lot of leverage in the credit world.

There are many more myths and tips. It is wise to speak with a credit specialist such as a banker or mortgage broker if you have concerns or questions on your credit. Your best offense is to find out your credit score and consult a financial expert with questions.

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