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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Is Your Home Redy to Show?

So you put your house on the market, you're ready to get that thing sold!  You just sit back and wait for the hoardes of buyers to come through and one will buy, just like that?  No.

A good test is to get a friend to come over, one who doesn't come over often, and give you their opinion.  Would they buy your home?  Doesn't it look appealing?  Clean?  Inviting?  And then ACT on their advice.

 One of the most common complaints is that homes have too much clutter.  Most buyers don't have the ability to see past the "stuff" and just look at the house.  So, you, the home owner must present your home in the best possible light.  You need to get rid of the "stuff".  Less is more. 

The best way to get rid of the clutter is to throw out, give away, or sell what you don't need.  If that is not possible, get a temporary storage unit and put as much as you can in there, just keeping minimal furniture and personal items in the house.  What personal items you do keep in the house (i.e. jewelry, toiletries, figurines) should be kept in cabinets, drawers, closets, etc. 

And most importantly, keep your home clean.

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